Happy Monday and also very happy March!! I can't believe that we are already three months into the year!

Not the cutest picture of me, but how cool is this entry way of the venue Ill be shooting at next month!
Not only is it ALL 3 OF MY DAUGHTERS birthday month (help me sweet baby jesus) but I am getting into the busy time of my business. The pretty weather is coming in and everyone is coming out of hiding.
No one wants to be indoors anymore and that most definitely includes me. If there is a pretty day I am out and about and I always have at least two cameras on hand.
And that brings me to this thought, 3 months into the new year and I feel like we are either at a place where we feel like we are killing it in our journeys or we are started to slip a little and look for more inspiration out there. I want to say if you are here getting things done and feeling amazing, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I feel the same and this has been the first time in a long time where I feel like nothing can stop me. I have planted this seed in my head and I've been going strong and I cannot stop! It's an amazing feeling!
If you are on the complete opposite side of the spectrum and you are just feeling blah now and have no idea what happened, I get it too! I have been there and the feeling sucks!! Some things I do now to make sure I don't fall into that feeling or mental state that I am just not moving forward are things like: podcast, youtube videos, (Inspirational videos and chats are the best, I love listening to people like Jasmine Star and Gary Vee they really give you that kick in the a$* you are looking for) and reading books. Like actual hard copy tangible books (Right now I am finishing Donna Karan, and am moving forward with books like The Artist Way and The Boston Girl). There is nothing like holding a book, the smell of the pages and just taking in all those printed words. Finally, get out if the house! Go do what ever it is that you want, whatever it is that you crave to do. You can not expect it to happen if you don't go out there and do it. You have to start somewhere.
So one thing I did recently while I was a "slow" patch of work was that I decided to put together another styled shoot. Last year was very successful and the feeling through out the process was something I can't even put into words. So I gathered up a team with a week or two and this weekend I went to the venue. "DREAMY" is all I kept thinking as I completed the walk through.
I snapped a couple pics on my phone to show you but I was just in love. I can see in my head every picture I already want to take and can I just say the owners of the venue are so amazing!!
Thank you Hilary and Andrew!
Can you imagine this place with full bloom, models and a shoot going on!!?
Other than the venue, I was in typical mommy mode while doing some work in the in between moments. Here's to another month, new adventures and future surprises of life! Lets see what happens!
Let me know what you did this weekend! If you want to chat about work, advice or would like to collaborate on something message me and let me know! I love building beautiful vendor relationships and supporting each other! I know this wasn't the usual guidance and behind the scene type of post so I'll be back next Monday with some more tips!
Until Next Time! -Serena
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