NO!.. this is not about #rona2020 It's about my flat lays.. {Rona talk later...}
Dang! why can I not just get these down.. I have noticed that I am a simple and clean
flat layer (I think thats a word lol).
No matter how many IG lives I watch, Youtube videos and Pins I can find I just can't recreate the images I find.
And that is exactly it. I may have to practice on my flat lay skills a little extra harder than someone else, But I am not made to recreate another artist work. I am here to create my own views and visions.
I def work hard on them and any down time I have I study on something I know that is my weak spot. I did learn a very important thing though that I had to sit down and talk myself through. I may not be the best at flat lays and I may look for inspiration from other amazing photographers, but I cannot sit here and compare myself, my work, my environment and anything else to another individual because it's just not right. They ,ay not have 3 young children at home like I do, they may be on year 10 in their business and I am just not there. I recently posted on my social media how proud I was of myself for this year in April being year 3 for me in business. I didn't start in weddings and I didn't have any idea where I wanted to go with my photo art career but I knew I needed to do it.
So comparison is just not real and it's definitely not healthy. So I sat in my office and sat there practicing.. Some I really like way more than others. I learn angles and like I said before I have learned I am more of a minimalist in my detail shots and that's okay with me.
In the end I just had to come on here and say don't be too hard on yourself, It's day.. who knows what in quarantine, the cabin fever is kicking in, the negative thoughts and feelings are setting in because it has become more serious than we probably thought to begin with. Don't give up, don't give in and do not let that mind wander my dear because have control of it all.
So check out some of these and tell me what you think!! yay or nay?
Leave a comment if you like row 1,2 OR 3? Tell me how you are doing? What keeps you sane during this time..
I think my fav is row 2 with the plates...
Let's Chat